Friday, May 2, 2008

I didn't sleep at all tonight...

A little Blue Nile to share:

I have walked
A thousand miles
I have worked
As fast as I can
And I have raised
A precious child
To be a man
But I would never
Turn my back
On your love
And I have gone
Up and down
Yeah I have wandered
From place to place
And I have raised my weary hand
To my face
But I would never
Turn my back
On your love
Is there anybody there who knows me?
Is there any body there who knows now?
That I will be home soon
And I would never
Turn my back
On your love
When the sun is going down
And there are colours
Against the sky
I have seen my home town
In your eyes
But I would never
Turn my back
Yeah I have learned
To face the fact
No I would never
Turn my back
On your love

In other news, I saw Iron Man tonight and I LOVED it. It made me a little itchy to work, which is strange, because I almost never get that. Only very rarely, and usually not as big dork movies where I get to geek out and hoot and holler and love the gizmos. But I did with this one-- guess that speaks for its brilliance as a "filim."

Also, partly in response to that itchiness, I updated my website. Like, a lot. It's prettier now, and totally full of all my new career stuff. Check it:

I HAVE TO GET THIS SCRIPT DONE. Sunday's my due date for myself to get it to Mike. And my apartment is still a mess. And I didn't sleep tonight. Something's going on. I have this commercial audition tomorrow... and then the afternoon free. I started laundry today, but I need to actually clean up and put clothes away. Suggestions? I'm feeling overwhelmed and somehow whenever I block off time to get mysefl together, I end up watching reruns of some horrid reality show like Dancing With the Stars. Who cares about that crap?? Not me. SO WHY DO I WATCH IT??? *sigh* So, send lots of encouragement to go clean.

I have two great auditions this next week and I think I'm getting anxious to work and so I'm feeling some pressure. Plus, the Bhav is away so I'm not as comfortable at home. I'm used to having him around... I miss him lots, and he's got plenty to do, so I feel a bit adrift.

I really really really love The Blue Nile. Really.

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