Wednesday, August 8, 2007


So much for trying to keep up with this. However, my last day at my day job is Friday, so let's hope this gets a bit more regular. I reading other people's, so I should own up.

Ok, I shoot my All My Children today (which means this is going to be short so I can go shower). I will post about THAT experience.

AND, ok here's my fun thing to share:

I'm waiting in Ocean City, NJ at the little bus depot for the bus to New York last night and I found this piece of paper on the ground. It was interesting and I picked it up and here's what it says.

It's just regular lined notebook paper, and in quickly written magenta marker it says:


Meet me at the same place as last night so we can talk. I have gotten some good advice and great direction.


The name at the bottom is really hard to read. It might be Daryl.

I am so interested. What do you all think it's about????

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