Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Raul, Philo, Aaron, et al...

So, Raul Esparza was on Pushing Daisies this week... which brings a whole new meaning to him doing Wicked (scroll down! scroll down!) It's kind of awesome watching him fall in love with Kristin Chenoweth on TV, not a stage. Huzzah for crossover. Course, they're both superstars and I'm waiting for the duet fantasy sequence between their characters.

THE FARNSWORTH INVENTION ROCKS. Everyone involved in the project is just incredible. We're in the second week of previews right now, and it's getting a great reception. You can get half price tix right now at TKTS. I suggest you do. :)

In other news, 30 Days of Night was gorgeous but not very scary.
Resident Evil 3 is better than 2 (and Milla is just so damn good).
I'm loving my new DVR and the chance to watch America's Next Top Model (go team autism!), Pushing Daisies (narrated by the great Jim Dale, and it's going to be cancelled soon, so watch while you still can), Chuck (which will probably get picked up, it's great), and my weekly dose of Shatner of Boston Legal.

ALSO IF YOU AREN'T WATCHING DAMAGES AND YOU LIVE IN NEW YORK YOU MAKE ME SICK. That is all. It's amazing and the season ends tonight. So get on that.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Thoughts at Home....

Here's a collection of goodies:

my website: www.katemaccluggage.com

My episode of All My Children goes on air on wednesday afternoon.

I just recently got turned on to We Need Girlfriends. OMG amazing. Team Henry!

I'm also digging a new song on Mano Feliciano's myspace: www.myspace.com/manophonic
Listen to Jenn Colella. I'm a big fan of the Rihanna moment.

..... and I will be in the Farnsworth rehearsal room in T minus 14 hours.
Holy crap.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Monday, Monday, Monday

I just wanted to get the WORD out there that I start rehearsals for The Farnswoth Invention on Monday.


I am also updating my website as such. Huzzah!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

This is my favorite passage from The Last Temptation of Christ. I'm not super-Christian, it's just GOREGOUS:

They talked and sighed. Jesus, meanwhile, was sitting up, thought still in a deep sleep. He felt he was not asleep at all, but rather standing body and soul in the Jordan, refreshed. The desert sand was being removed from his body and the virtues and vices on mankind from his soul-- leaving it again virgin. Suddenly, it seemed to him in his sleep that he had cmoe out of the Jordan, taken a green untrodden path and entered a dense orchard full of blossoms and fruit. And it seemed he was no longer himself, Jesus the son of Mary of Nazareth, but rather Adam, the first man to be created. He had issued from God's hands at precisely that moment-- his flesh was still fresh clay-- and had laid down on the flowering grass to dry off in the sun so that his bones might congeal, colour come to his face and the seventy-two joints of his body tighten and enable him to stand up and walk. While he lay and ripened under the sun birds fluttered over his head, flew from tree to tree, promenaded on the springtime grass. They conversed among themselves, twittered, looked at this new creature who lay on the grass, examined him with curiosity. Each had his say and then continued on; and he, versed in their language, rejoiced to hear them.

The peacock, proudly fanning out its feathers, strolled up and down, threw oblique, seductive glances at this Adam stretch on the ground, and explained to him: "I used to be a hen, but I loved an angel and became a peacock. Is there any bird more beautiful than I am? None!" The turtle-dove flew from tree to tree, lifted its throat to heaven and cried: "Love! Love! Love!" And the thruh: "Among the birds, only I sing and keep warm in the thickest of frosts." The swallow: "If not for me, the trees would never blossom." The cock: "If not for me, morning would never come." The lark: "At dawn when I fly up into the sky to sing, I say good-bye to my children because I never know if I shall return from my song still alive." The nightengale: "Don't look at me as I am now, in my poor clothes. I too had large gleaming wings, but I turned them into song." And a long-nosed blakcbird came and clung to the shoulder of the first-created man, bent over to his ear and spoke to him softly, as though entrusting a great secret to him:

"The doors of heaven and hell are adjacent, and identical: both green, both beautiful. Take care, Adam! Take care! Take care!"

Exactly then, at dawn, with the blackbird's song in his mind-- Jesus awoke.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

I am feeling rather dizzy today-- I think maybe the hot toddy/beer combo last night was maybe too much? I should take a bath or something...

We ended up not doing the show last night. It was miserable cold by the water. So this is a good thing. Here's the link to my show info, btw:


It's a fun show, good for kids, especially.

I see American Story Project's Daguerrotype this afternoon. Huzzah... and then I hope to catch at least most of Chris Kaminstein's reading. So we'll see.

Things are messy in my apartment. I still feel dizzy and funny. :(

Thursday, August 9, 2007

when it rains, it pours my friends.

Last night I dreamed I died and that my life had been rearranged into some kind of theme park. and all my friends were walking up and down the boardwalk. and my dead grandmother was selling cotton candy out of a little shack. and there was this big ferris wheel about a half mile out in the ocean, half in and half out of the water. and all my old boyfriends were on it. with their new girlfriends. and the boys were waving and shouting and the girls were saying eeek. then they disappeared under the surface of the water and when they came up again they were laughing and gasping for breath. In this dream I’m on a tightrope and I’m tipping back and forth trying to keep my balance. and below me are all my relatives and if I fall I’ll crush them. this long thin line. this song line. this. the only thing that binds me to the turning world below and to all the people and noise and sounds and shouts. this tightrope made of sound this long thin line made of my own blood. remember me is all I ask and if remembered be a task forget me. remember me is all I ask and if remembered be a task this long thin line. this long thin line. this long thin line. this tightrope. remember me is all I ask and if remembered be a task forget me. this long thin line. this long thin ine. this long thin line. this tightrope made of sound.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Defying Gravity - Raúl Esparza

My absolute favorite YouTube video. Oh my god I wish I had been there...

Beatboxing flute inspector gadget remix

My new hero

Also: will you all please go listen to these guys.

PLEASE listen to The Misfits. I want to laugh and weep. I love it love it love it.



So much for trying to keep up with this. However, my last day at my day job is Friday, so let's hope this gets a bit more regular. I reading other people's, so I should own up.

Ok, I shoot my All My Children today (which means this is going to be short so I can go shower). I will post about THAT experience.

AND, ok here's my fun thing to share:

I'm waiting in Ocean City, NJ at the little bus depot for the bus to New York last night and I found this piece of paper on the ground. It was interesting and I picked it up and here's what it says.

It's just regular lined notebook paper, and in quickly written magenta marker it says:


Meet me at the same place as last night so we can talk. I have gotten some good advice and great direction.


The name at the bottom is really hard to read. It might be Daryl.

I am so interested. What do you all think it's about????

Friday, July 13, 2007

New home

I am moving from livejournal, since more of my friends seem to be here, and I am hoping that means I will update more frequently...